How it Works
Your gift is fully deductible for federal estate tax purposes, and there is no limit on the deduction your estate can claim. Many gifts are also exempt from state inheritance taxes.
Option 1: Designate NPCA as a Beneficiary
Designating NPCA as a full or partial beneficiary of your life insurance costs you nothing today, and may take as little as five minutes of your time to complete. This is powerful way to protect the long-term future of America's national parks.
To designate NPCA, go to your life insurance policy website and look for "Beneficiary Designations." You may also call your policy provider to request a physical copy of this form. Then, add National Parks Conservation Association as either the primary or contingent beneficiary of your policy. Finally, add a percentage amount between 1% and 100%. The percentage amount you choose is the percentage of your policy NPCA will receive in the future.
Choose Primary Beneficiary if you want to support NPCA no matter what. Choose Contingent Beneficiary if you want your policy to support NPCA only if your primary beneficiaries (such as your spouse or children) do not survive you.
If you have questions, please call or email Natalie Gupta, Planned Giving Officer, at (917) 685-0506 or by email at We have dedicated staff available to answer your questions and we will respect your privacy.
Option 2: Donate Your Paid-up Policy to NPCA
Donating and irrevocably transferring ownership of your life insurance policy to NPCA allows you to make a significant gift in your lifetime that does not impact your current finances. Better still, this may provide you with tax benefits during the year you donate your policy.
Please contact us to make this type of gift. Natalie Gupta, Planned Giving Officer, can be reached directly (917) 685-0506 or by email at